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Saturday 3 April 2021

Vidnami discount 14 days free trial


 Vidnami is a video marketing company that specializes in creating personalized videos for customers. They work with businesses to create videos that are tailored to the needs of each customer, while still remaining effective and professional. Vidnami has helped many companies increase their conversion rates by adding personalized videos to their websites. 

  - Vidnami is a one stop shop for all your video needs
- Our videos will differentiate you from competitors to help you stand out in today's flooded marketplace.
- We offer something that cannot be found anywhere else: personalized videos tailored to each client's unique business
- We take care of every aspect of marketing with our product including the visuals and words, which means less time spent on tedious tasks and more time spent focusing on your customers.

 - Combine video and text to make your marketing more effective than ever before
- Vidnami will turn any idea into a custom, personalized video
- Create personalized videos for Facebook ads, Google Adwords campaigns, or Youtube videos with vidnami's easy to use templates
- Use our customization tool to create promotional (or instructional) videos in even less time.

  - We offer personalized video solutions for your business
- Our videos will help you stand out from competitors and feel less like a faceless company.
- Customize your video so it feels like your own.
- Get an animated or voice over video with text overlays to grab customers' attention.

 Video marketing has been around for a long time. But with the advent of social media, video content is more popular than it ever was before. With so many people using YouTube and Facebook to view videos on a regular basis, it's hard to imagine not taking advantage of this opportunity. 

Click here for a free 14 day trial

Friday 2 April 2021

Use AI to Write Proven, High Converting Copy for Increased Conversions and Higher ROI


 This post will go over the benefits of using an AI driven service like AI to write proven, high converting copy

 The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to write high converting copy for your ads, emails, websites, listings and more has become a lot more mainstream. There are now many services that offer AI-driven content generation and it's easier than ever before to get started. The old way of writing content by hand, was time consuming and expensive; but using AI to generate copy is not only faster than hiring a writer or spending hours on research, but also provides you with proven conversion rates!

The AI engine is a data-driven, automated platform that can be used to generate high quality copy for ads and emails. It provides you with proven conversion rates! The goal of the service it provide as much value possible so businesses make informed decisions about their marketing strategy by providing insights into customer behavior on your website or app.

The platform analyzes user behavior and helps marketers optimize content for different customer segments by providing insights into your website or app through the conversion rate optimization tools, which are a data-driven automated system that can generate high quality copy to help you grow! (CRO).

The platform also has access over 100 million websites worldwide through its database containing information such like keywords used by searchers when looking up products online,what they click next after clicking onto one product page vs another etc., making sure our AI knows exactly how to write copy that will convert. The system is able not only generate ideas for your content, but it can be trained and programmed with specific rules in order get more visitors completing an action than those who don't or partially complete the desired goal - which could lead you higher revenue! With this type of technology.

The system is able not only create high quality text but also train itself on how best convert visitors into customers by analyzing what works well or doesn't work so great when writing ads/emails etc. which could ultimately result more conversions than those who don’t use such software - leading them towards increased ROI (returns). This means they have an edge over their competitors as long there's enough data.

 The system's proven copywriting techniques for increased conversions and high ROI can be used in many ways, such as generating content (ads/emails), writing blog posts with SEO keywords automatically inserted into the text at appropriate places; creating listings on Amazon®, eBay® etc., filling out forms online without having any idea what is required...and much MUCH MORE!!! You'll never have writer’s block again when there are no deadlines looming over head because this automated process generates a new piece every time.

"* Use Artificial Intelligence To Generate Content **Use The System's Proven Copywriting Techniques For Increased Conversions And Higher ROI ***AI Can Be Used In Many Ways ****Benefits Of Using AI To Create Your Marketing Materials*****Generates Ideas That Will Convert*****Train It So You Get More Visitors Completing An Action Than Those Who Don't Or Partially Complete Desired Goal Which Could Lead YOU HIGHER REVENUE

Click here to learn more